They said they also needed time to decide how to deal with the Government's recent decision to stop paying for Mr. Botha's legal fees.
But for now, let us deal with your decision to attack this Nuyyad vessel as well.
The sixth episode "Luciferous" should have been the second episode as it deals with Marian's decision to join the group.
"While she deals with her decision, I shall proceed with mine."
The resulting narrative, which dealt with Bruce's decision to become and remain Batman, hinged on the love story between Bruce and Andrea.
The lyrics deal with the singer's decision to end a relationship in which he feels he is being emotionally abused.
The Republican attacks, led by conservatives, dealt strictly with the President's decision of Tuesday and were not personal assaults on his integrity.
Mr. Gorbachev and the party leadership have been in a quandary over ways to deal with the Lithuanian party's decision to form an independent Communist Party.
The song deals with Maimon's realisation that her lover has been unfaithful and her decision to leave him as a result.
I didn't understand the way she dealt with her decision, quite frankly, nor did a lot of people.