The deals in early 2000, which involved at least half a dozen Enron employees, violated the company's conflict of interest requirements.
The Justice Department said the deal would violate federal antitrust laws, reduce competition and lead to higher prices for customers.
The Administration has not yet decided whether the Turkish deal formally violates the new sanctions law.
The committee reported on Dec. 6 that the deal, from which the Speaker's royalties already appear to exceed $1 million, violated no current rules.
Mr. Misla questioned whether the deal would violate antitrust regulations.
Washington says such a deal would violate its policy against negotiating with terrorists.
Such deals usually violate the original loan or lease agreement.
He added that the deal did not violate the underlying objective of the consent decree.
Chin said the proposed deal violated copyright law.
A deal, in other words, that just might violate some of the fine print of the collective bargaining agreement?