Bergen deals with common bidding problems that other books avoid, particularly in the area of rebids.
People who deal in the area of negotiations, which he does, become very frustrated.
Municipalities are the urban local governments that deal with civic functions and local development functions in the municipal area.
Due to the increase of criminality, especially drug dealing, in the area surrounding Flex the police determined a curfew.
He said there is a significant amount of drug dealing in the area.
The men desperately tried to identify themselves as undercover police investigating drug dealing in the area, to no avail.
The team also dealt with the corruption of British appointees in the area, which had contributed to the crisis.
Gathering Information The first step in renting is getting a catalogue or brochures from a company dealing in the area.
The Narcotics Division had been cracking down on drug dealing in the area after the death of a rookie police officer last February.
All the issues we deal with in the area of justice and home affairs affect European citizens in their daily lives.