There he dealt for the first time with the cost and quality problems of a global American industry.
The decision dealt a blow to the union's antitrust policy for the second time in four months.
Irina, thirty-some years ago, I had to deal with it for the first time.
I finally got all the skeletons out of the closet and dealt with it for the first time.
During a two-hour practice, Banks dealt for the first time on the field with new coverage responsibilities.
The new law also deals for the first time ever with the protection of neighbouring rights (Art.
Maniakes had seen that look before when he dealt for the first time with officials who didn't know him personally.
What really scares you is the chance to deal from a position of strength for the first time in your miserable, confused life.
We have an opportunity, since in September the UN will deal with the issue of migration and development for the first time.
Hydrogen fuel, with its very high energy value, is a particularly hazardous product, and vehicle users will be dealing with it for the first time.