The appropriate technical or platform support team efficiently deals with these problems every day.
She dealt easily and efficiently with Richard's office, with the police, with the hospital.
The spook was a natural killer, developed by nature to deal efficiently with its prey.
"I wanted to find a way to deal efficiently with Iraq and other countries of export concern," he said.
As such, it is more of a business philosophy than a technical solution to assist in dealing with customers effectively and efficiently.
The agency itself has an important stake in avoiding complaints or in dealing with them efficiently.
It is important to deal with facilities issues quickly and efficiently.
We aim to deal with customer enquiries quickly and efficiently.
It is imperative that we attempt to deal efficiently and very successfully with the issues mentioned by my colleagues who have spoken before me.
Although 624 cases is a considerable number, it should have been possible for the Court of First Instance to deal with these efficiently.