Mr. Gorbachev is expected to deal candidly with the seven decades since the Revolution, giving a revised and more complete record of Soviet history.
Here is a film that deals candidly and indeed toughly with a profoundly serious issue, literally one of life and death, involving the removal of a life-support system.
His most powerful recent songs deal candidly with his complicated feelings about his parents' deaths.
The talks were kept confidential, which enabled the negotiators to deal candidly with the most sensitive issues and agree on a set of principles that both sides could accept.
It deals candidly with emotion, and, unlike other children's shows, tells children that it's okay not to be happy all of the time.
It promises to deal candidly with, among other things, Mr. Miller's marriage to Marilyn Monroe, a subject that, up to now, he has rarely discussed.
That denial, experts say, often makes segments of the minority community resist medical or governmental pleas to deal candidly with the disease, its victims and preventive health care.
"It will deal candidly with such things as the local agency's finances and a report on where the money goes," Mr. Barclay said.