The deal may avert hunger in some Soviet cities this winter and help keep the Polish economy from stalling as it shifts toward private enterprise.
The deal averts an expected battle in Congress over legislation mandating the locks.
Only a last-minute deal by a bipartisan group of 14 senators averted a showdown.
The deal averts a costly court battle for both sides.
The deal, council members said, would avert large layoffs that would hit hard at police and other emergency services.
The deal averts the threat of American trade sanctions and eliminates at least for now what had been a long-standing thorn in bilateral economic relations.
That deal, which resulted in vague Japanese assurances that more American-made cars and auto parts would be sold in Japan, averted a major trade war.
The deal averts an immediate need to open talks on treaty revision, as Portugal has the right to do under the pact.
The deal, which will probably be ratified soon by 215,000 G.M. workers, averted a likely national walkout by the U.A.W. after Election Day.
A deal in Washington to raise the borrowing limit of the United States government has averted a major crisis, but has the damage to American credibility already been done?