The deal amounted to a combined fee of £250,000.
The deal, the ad seemed to suggest, amounted to a free subscription.
Baidya said the deal amounted to a surrender by the former rebel fighters and "must be revoked".
Cutting through the legalese, the deal amounts to a loan that is secured by the shares.
They disputed criticism that such a deal amounted to a passive endorsement of the crackdown on political dissent.
But they also said that the deal amounted to bending treaty requirements, under which the president of the new bank would have an eight-year term.
He said that from the station's perspective the deal amounted to "coming out equal" because of the commercial time the network was giving to the stations.
Greek officials said that the 14 deals amounted to the biggest single investment that China had ever made in Europe.
A great deal of anguish for saving what amounted to, I figured out later, at most $150.
AT&T says the deal amounts to a fundamental change in its managerial style and will take years to prove itself.