There are about 70,000 deaf-blind people in the United States.
They would search out the behavior that made sense, the moral things for deaf-blind people to do.
And the sense of speed is something deaf-blind people can really appreciate.
New technology is helping deaf-blind people to communicate with others to a degree unimaginable even 10 years ago.
"If deaf-blind people could sense even a part of that, it would make a big difference to their quality of life."
While still children they had understood the fact that handtalk was a way for deaf-blind people to talk to outsiders.
Other states that had sent deaf-blind people there for training "have given highly favourable reports" she wrote.
She would have learned from her correspondence how few deaf-blind people were employed and had resolved not to be among their number.
Since Canada has not tried to educate its deaf-blind people, there was no idea how to undertake it.
In a section on devices to assist deaf-blind people, she addressed both her professional and personal concerns.