In London alone there are between 5,000 and 6,000 totally deaf adults and children travelling about the roads daily.
There is pressure on the hearing child of a deaf adult to protect their parent from things the parent cannot hear.
Also, it offers special assistance and outreach services to disadvantaged deaf adults living in the community.
The Society, a growing and vital organization, provides a number of specific health, personal and social services to deaf adults, children and their families.
She worked in the USA as a teacher and counsellor for deaf adults.
As a child of deaf adults he took on the role of interpreting for his parents to help them communicate in a hearing world.
"As deaf adults, we too can be successes, with our own heroes and heroines."
Waardenburg gave an account of a deaf adult with similar facial features in December 1948, followed by a detailed review in 1951.
Interpretive services have become a growing occupation as more deaf adults are working in the hearing world.
Keith Wann is an American child of two deaf adults.