Farmington's death indicates that he tasted a poison similar to the li-shun, a deadly product of Mongolia.
But there weren't adequate safeguards for dealing with these deadly products.
Whatever the case, any health claim concerning a deadly, addictive product should be subject to verification by government authorities before reaching the market.
His biggest crusade was against the drug cartels whose deadly products devastated communities.
It is the single deadliest product on the market, nothing else comes close.
Many deadly products have bright colors or appealing perfume.
Cigarette ads were ban- ished from television years ago because they misrepresented a deadly product as something worth buying.
When he was eight, he was sent to get a can of lye from the shelf and spilled the deadly product all over himself.
There is no room for double standards for our own citizens and for others when we are talking about an addictive and deadly product.
The tobacco industry needs new recruits to replace those whose consumption of the deadly product has caused their early deaths.