On a planetary scale, the magnetic field helps shield the Earth from solar winds and storms of deadly particles.
At the beginning of January a coronal hole opened up on the surface of the Sun and a stream of deadly radioactive particles blasted towards Earth.
A burst of deadly particles could already have written the death sentence of every living creature outside.
The deadly particle pressed not only upon the boy's balance centers, but upon those areas of the brain that registered pain.
This creates a barrier that protects us from the harmful solar wind radiation and swarms of deadly particles that bombard the earth from space.
When solar flares erupted and spewed planet-engulfing clouds of deadly ionizing particles through interplanetary space, a ship without shielding was little more than a coffin for its crew.
A hail of invisible but deadly particles was whipping at her and being diverted by her suit, but the camera had no protection.
Black smoke billowed through the steam, coal smoke that was laced with deadly particles of Nothing from the deep mines far below.
Thousands of people would die instantly, tens of thousands later as the deadly radioactive particles spread over Europe.
Helicopters dumped sand on the melting reactor in an ineffectual effort to stop the spread of deadly nuclear particles.