Clearly, the battle against the Zang rages on with deadly fury.
Everywhere time stood frozen, save for the deadly fury of their duel, as they leaped and lunged about the bare-timbered room.
Clay came forward from the reaction chamber, watching with a peculiar expression Welstead took to be deadly fury.
Nathan didn't; his eyes betrayed the composed, simmering, deadly fury of a Rahl.
He was careful to be the embodiment of a man distressed, rather than one gripped by a deadly fury and obsession.
The deadly fury in those eyes wiped the mocking smile from the outlaw leader's lips.
Brennan's voice was flat and calm, but Jay could hear the fury behind the words, implacable and deadly.
It was horrible to watch the deadly fury with which it dug up and scattered the softened ground.
Although entirely indifferent to possessions and devoid of sexual jealousy, they have a capacity for sudden and deadly fury.
But no doubt he would come at them again with deadly fury.