Of the 22,000 who were diagnosed as having AIDS, about half have died, making this one of the deadliest epidemics in city history.
Localized and deadly epidemics resulted and nearly 500,000 Chinese died of disease.
In France, civil wars, deadly epidemics, famines and bandit free companies of mercenaries reduced the population drastically.
The region was declared a national park by the Brazilian authorities in 1961, intended to prevent further intrusions and spread of deadly epidemics to locals.
Now the problem has become pressing in the case of AIDS, which is causing one of the century's major deadly epidemics.
Some of the deadliest epidemics, including influenza, have been spread by birds (or by domestic fowl in the case of flu).
There's something about deadly epidemics that both terrifies and fascinates people, drawing viewers not only to science fiction movies but also to museums.
Unfortunately, the doctors say they have not yet devised ways to predict precisely when and where deadly new epidemics will occur.
Further, Philadelphia was notorious for its deadly epidemics of smallpox.
And red meat has been most often implicated in deadly epidemics.