Indeed, postoperative infections were among the most common and deadly complications 19th century surgical patients experienced.
Burn Unit rules were some of the strictest around and with good reason, few patients were as prone to infection and the deadly complications it could bring.
Later it became clear that the virus can also infect humans causing encephalitis, sometimes with deadly complications.
Ectopic pregnancies are usually detected early enough to prevent deadly complications such as severe bleeding.
Children who had safe drinking water would not suffer from diarrhea or its deadly complications, malnourishment and dehydration.
He said he was struck by the high number of adults who had developed hemolytic uremic syndrome, a deadly complication from E. coli that can cause kidney failure.
Scientists have discovered that a natural body protein is probably a major cause of the deadliest complication of malaria, a finding that could point toward new methods of treatment.
Respiratory distress is a common and potentially deadly complication of prematurity.
There is wide agreement that BCG protects children against the deadly complications of tuberculosis like meningitis, but it is not known how many years this protection lasts.
November is American Diabetes Month, a time to bring even greater awareness and attention to the seriousness of diabetes, its deadly complications, and the importance of proper diabetes control.