He once said that the two things you find in the "middle of the road" are "a moderate and a dead skunk."
Or else I stepped on a dead skunk.
"He said that they put a dead skunk under his window," Stoddard said, chuckling.
Better story: I once saw a guy in a portable-sign suit who had to perform his gig right across a two-lane street from a dead skunk.
Q. What is the difference between a dead skunk and a dead lawyer in the middle of the road?
Tech-ni-color, as Loudon Wainwright says on that record about the dead skunk.
The other sightings in the past three years were dead skunks on roadsides.
In the last year Mr. Cooper has seen four additional dead skunks.
"Looks more like he smells dead skunk," Cy commented.
He looked at it as if he had just been presented with a dead skunk.