Lenore often carries a dead kitten with her.
Shrouded in two sealed freezer bags inside the box was a dead kitten that could not have been but a few months old.
On a recent morning, several dead kittens were visible along roads within the city limits.
You remember how she fretted when her Sunday-school teacher told her that her dead kitten had no soul.
Though the image that crept into his mind was dead kittens.
And on the altar, very reverently placed, intensely there, is a dead kitten, an egg-shell, a bit of string.
--to another tree, leaving behind her, unwillingly enough, a much-licked dead kitten.
The ace remembered Seard's tests with the dead kitten.
But Russell Howard is as funny as a dead kitten.
This bus outweighs her five to one, old-timer, and we'll just push her off the road like a dead kitten.