The enemy had come in after the battle and sucked it dry, left a dead hulk.
Vornal's body was a dead hulk in the street.
Tell me, what thought you of this Atlantean ship that should have been a dead hulk, yet still came after?
After returning his weapon to the van, the stranger poked at the dead hulk with a stick.
As they came apart, the squished, dead hulk of the tiny monster dropped.
She wasn't quite sure what she'd expected, but four years of false life had resigned her to the sight of a dead, broken hulk.
Another Fury ship seemed to be nothing more than a dead hulk.
The remaining pocket, however, used the dead hulks as cover, becoming even harder to break.
The Americans had already reactivated a "dead" hulk once; they might do it again.
And that was where they would stay, the way all these hundreds of other dead hulks had stayed, unless he did something about it.