That the heaping of dead foes outside was a gesture of defiance with levels of subtext she had not yet fully appreciated.
As one man we moved, an irresistible fighting mass, over the bodies of dead and dying foes toward the gorgeous throne of the Martian deity.
We're going to drive this one out to sea and then set it on fire with Beslan, his weapons and his dead foes.
Tarzan rose to his feet and placed one foot upon the breast of his dead foe.
The Shadow was standing in the light between his dead foe and the arroyo.
He wasn't anxious to take a permanent jolt, with his dead foe as the contact.
Endnote 3 Alluding to the Zulu custom of opening the stomach of a dead foe.
He pushed the limp Pagan from him and walked over to retrieve his knives, wiping the blades clean on the jacket of a dead foe.
The woman who dealt so harshly with a dead foe was more and more like a stranger to him.
On the following day, Mary of Guise, the regent, visited the island, to see the "three and four hundred of her dead foes still unburied".