Looks more like a dead caterpillar to me.
The researchers found a fungus was in dead caterpillars, but did not identify it until now.
One thing unusual, though, these dead caterpillars were clinging head down to the tree trunks.
The dead caterpillars were collected and examined in the lab to confirm the virus.
"So that's why you're putting it on," said Harry, accidentally beheading a dead caterpillar because his hand was shaking in anger.
She brings the dead caterpillar back to the burrow, and lays an egg on it.
Slow, shambling little figures, they worried the big beam along like a lot of ants with a dead caterpillar, sullen and inept.
Few reference-quality collections of specimens exist, because, unlike birds and beetles and butterflies, dead caterpillars do not keep well.
Occasionally the moult will look like an entire, dead, caterpillar, as snake's skin does.
Another's highly reputed stylus, previously pointed to the sky, now looked like a dead caterpillar on its way down from leaf to ground.