Soon he had added to his iconography the muted post horn and a dead badger with its four feet in the air (some said that the name Taxis came from the Italian tasso, badger, referring to hats of badger fur the early Bergamascan couriers wore).
In 1806, Lt. Francisco Ruiz, on an expedition into the San Joaquin Valley, named this pass Tejon Pass, and also named Tejon Canyon, and Tejon Creek, after a dead badger found at the canyon mouth.
She thought her total expenditure was at least £350; he greeted her in "an ancient sweater that smelt of dead badger".
Later on, Busey also cooks roadkill from a dead badger.
Soon, Robert brought back the dead badger.
A dead badger, nothing more, nothing less; except that there was some sort of wire contraption wrapped round its muzzle-a homing device, perhaps, attached by a questing ecologist.
Loambudd unlocked the dead badger Lord's paws from around Ferahgo.
'Besides, you've got a lot of time for abstract thought when you've got your hand stuck up a dead badger.'
A dead badger was found at the site over the wekend.
One day while Abruc the otter and his son Stugg are out foraging for food, they find the bodies of two badgers; an old one, dead, and a giant one who is barely clinging to life.