Its museums offer a dazzling variety of exhibitions, including several blockbusters scheduled for the coming months.
Today the contest is joined among architects of dazzling artistic variety.
But there are dozens of others in a dazzling variety of colors and flower shapes.
The term encompasses a dazzling variety, from a house dress to a formal floor-length velvet cape.
And then, of course, there is the tea itself, offered in dazzling varieties, from all nations.
They have a dazzling variety of skin colors, for example.
Drawn eventually to dance, he was exposed to a dazzling variety of styles.
The changes from one to another - colour, black and white, still, and moving - made for a dazzling variety of effects.
It opens on Tuesday with a dazzling variety of free performances.
Helping me to understand, to grasp, to grow, to fully comprehend the dazzling variety of emotions and passions that form the human soul.