He stood for a moment, blinking in the dazzling sun.
I gave myself some time to admire the effect of the dazzling sun bouncing off the water around so many hulls.
I squinted into the dazzling sun, really looking for the edge of the world.
Out once more in the dazzling sun, I looked around in relief.
When I turned, the sun, low and dazzling, blazed into my eyes, blinding me.
In the sunlight, it sparkled as if lit from within by its own dazzling sun.
It was a crisp October day, with a blue sky and a dazzling sun.
It was a cloudless morning, and a dazzling sun rose in a deep blue sky.
She walked home in the dazzling sun, the night replaying in her head.
Far away to the southeast a dazzling white sun climbed up above a cloudless horizon.