The riders mounted, thirty-one men and women dressed in authentic Nez Percé costumes, and the cameramen expected some kind of dazzling exhibition, but none evolved.
It was a dazzling exhibition.
His collection of jewelry and photographs along with loans from museums and other private collectors make up "India: A Jewelry Spectrum," a dazzling exhibition on view through Jan. 31.
It is understandable, therefore, that when that same trade was plied upon them, they could see nothing in it but a dazzling exhibition of the craft.
Life magazine called it "...the most dazzling exhibition of evening dresses and big names ever seen in Texas.
This dazzling exhibition has been organized by Stacy C. Hollander, senior curator at the museum.
The calendar below shows the 13 dazzling international exhibitions being held in the 12,000 square metre exhibition hall.
Nor does the party have the cachet of the days when Diana Vreeland, a consultant to the Costume Institute, mounted dazzling exhibitions that drew millions to the museum.
Cyrus expanded with pride as the newcomers exclaimed over the dazzling exhibition.
PaceWildenstein 32 East 57th Street, Manhattan Through Dec. 31 Adolph Gottlieb's strongest work came in the 1940's, the period surveyed by this dazzling 33-canvas exhibition.