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We want our neighbours to behave, in their day-to-day dealings with us, in the way we think right.
With day-to-day dealings, she was fine, but when it came to her bedchamber, she could not bear to touch or kiss or bite a face unless it was smooth.
All the individuals referred to have contributed to the creation of goodness to a degree above that which is being created by millions of people in their ordinary day-to-day dealings.
All characters, not just Fen, keep referring to works of literature in their day-to-day dealings.
Architects in their 30's or 40's frequently represent firms in day-to-day dealings with clients, said James S. Russell, managing senior editor of Architectural Record.
In "The Feast of Love," Charles Baxter shows us the hard-won generosity of spirit that day-to-day dealings with other human beings require.
The New York Fed, which has operational control of the Government's day-to-day dealings in the foreign exchange market, makes such calls when conditions appear unsettled.
Even though he won't have day-to-day dealings crunching salary-cap figures, it can't hurt the 49ers to have someone aboard who is familiar with all the nuances of the system.
"How does that affect our day-to-day dealings?"
Almost across the board there are things blacks find irritating, if not sometimes downright insulting, in their day-to-day dealings with whites.