Knight compiled a list of factors which control or influence the day-to-day behavior of many fresh water and salt water fish.
Parts of an individual's day-to-day behaviour are quite idiosyncratic- in general, these fall outside the scope of social anthropology.
But you don't get much insight into day-to-day behavior by thinking about a person as a hundred billion neurons firing in complicated patterns.
To date, my experiment has been successful, and for day-to-day behavior, I have been better able to interrelate with the other members of the crew.
They provide social contexts for shaping the day-to-day behaviour or adolescents, and encourage conformity to norms and values.
This operation has little effect on day-to-day behaviour, although it is not completely without consequences.
Much of their day-to-day behavior will give their parents clear indications of what they will be like as drivers.
Certain rare entertainment products actually drive changes in day-to-day behavior and the adoption of new technologies.
Kids with autism show variability in their day-to-day behavior and it would be easy to attribute normal variations to the secretin.
I'd like to see [more people] develop the day-to-day behaviors that allow you to keep weight off.