The sixth song takes a wistful look to the days of yore.
Then we'll go back to the naval days of yore.
In days of yore it had been Chrismer's audience throne.
Just like in the days of yore, Apple fears competition on the same platform.
It is not as pretty as in days of yore.
Sir George proposes a toast to "the grand old days of yore."
The present action stops for a while as the character (or, worse yet, the narrator) remembers some key event from days of yore.
In the days of yore, the Chief used to took up the role of a priest as well.
"You really start out much more from zero, as opposed to the days of yore when you started with 30 or 40 percent," he said.
This year, E3 is loosening up a little bit but it's not a complete return to the days of yore.