On the day of his retirement in 1995, he announced that he was against the death penalty.
He chose not seek re-election in 1987, and died on the day of his retirement.
The promotion was granted on the day of his retirement, so he would have the pension, but wouldn't be able to serve as a colonel.
The early days of his retirement were grim.
This become more notorious the day of his retirement, when all the fans jumped into the field to carry him on shoulders for almost an hour.
On the day of his retirement he ends up in an unexpected situation, and is forced to reconsider his life.
Very often, German officers would be promoted to the next higher Charakter rank on the day of their retirement.
On the day of her retirement, representatives from every department assembled in the despatch area.
Only weeks later he was writing that the day of his retirement could not come soon enough.
His promotion to major was effected on the day of his retirement, June 30, 1940.