Briefly describe a typical day for students at your school.
You might also consider that you can't photograph smells, something my friends who were in New York that day described rather graphically.
It would take days to describe them all.
The following day describes the attempts by the passengers to save their own lives in spite of the few poor chances they seem to have.
The Times the following day described how he "drew to the front two fences from home and won by a length and half".
The next day, the independent newspaper, Le Jour, described their announcement as a "considerable step backward."
There are so many paths to success it would take days to describe.
And that I can think of relatively few things we might reasonably describe as both 'important' and 'pleasant news' these days.
As he himself would one day describe:
Kolesnikov's column the next day described his epic, failed journey to the airport.