The festival lasts for three days and the programme covers from 11 o'clock in the morning until night.
The first two days of the race cover 100 miles each, while the last day covers approximately 70 miles.
Badami is the best base for taking in all these sites; a day or two should cover it.
The flakes began to fall on a Sunday night, and by the time they stopped the next day, a blanket two feet deep covered the ground.
A few days later more trucks came in with topsoil and covered it all like a grave.
Unfortunately, these days cover and contents are usually well-matched by the marketing people.
That distance would take two days and two nights to cover on foot.
Just another day on the job, covering what needed to be covered for all the enquiring minds that wanted to know.
This involved 90 days of hard work to cover the 3/4 mile (1200 m) distance.
"Twenty days to cover a thousand miles," he said, after a moment's difficult computation.