The heavy winds that day caused the fire to spread, destroying the whole pier.
Last year, three days of riots in Nairobi caused more tourists to drop their plans.
Those days cause people to move up some births to days that don't appear in the chart.
The 90 days required to get community support for an additional floor of office use caused one bidder to withdraw, he said.
Yet no such day has ever caused Bush to surrender, or caused him to urge anyone else to do so.
In winter months, short days cause the need of artificial lighting.
A rainy day, a song, or a television program could also cause a craving.
Taking a power station off line for a few days would cause more economic damage ...
The first day of the week you cause a certain amount of damage.
An infamous day in 1951 (see incidents and accidents below) caused the station's continued use by the military to be called into question.