The pain they share is exacerbated by the mother's intimate knowledge of what her daughter must undergo.
To her the psychological issues seemed more crucial than the physical risks and her daughter underwent a clitoroplasty last month at the age of 4.
As my daughter underwent her second bone marrow transplant, I sat vigil with a young woman whose husband, a farmer, was dying of cancer.
His 14-month-old daughter, Mattie, underwent eye surgery to create a tear duct today.
The daughter underwent the surgery a week later, having been told that she was to have her appendix removed.
Her daughter "underwent the same rigorous training as a member of the Israeli army as the men."
A mother and daughter undergo emotional distress when they are faced with a mandate to attend an organizational team building activity.
Mr. Bennett's daughter, he said, had undergone the fertility procedure to get pregnant.
This week my five-year-old daughter underwent a relatively minor surgical procedure, but still one that required full anesthetic.
After the song had peaked, her fan club received an e-mail from a woman whose daughter was undergoing chemotherapy.