When he died, his widow and daughters applied to the Literary Fund for relief.
When your daughter applies for a job, they aren't going to ask her where she went to preschool.
"My daughter is applying to nursery school," she said.
Her mother was horrified that her daughter had applied for a career in such a bizarre occupation.
Do you recall if your daughter ever applied to the University of Virginia?
My daughter applied for leave of absence, but was refused.
When my daughter was applying two years ago, it was clear that rock 'n' roll played an enormous role in determining her choices.
In fact, by the time their daughter applied to Princeton in 1986, she seemed like a natural candidate.
Liz Ryan, Caitlin's mother, said she knew only vaguely of the school before her daughter applied.
Others will invite parents to attend for interview when their son or daughter is applying for a Compact job.