His oldest daughter answered over the extension from upstairs.
In Uther's present predicament his own daughter, so fortunately skilled, would answer very well.
My daughter answered with the signature world-weariness of the almost 8-year-old she is.
The older daughter, 18, answered, "I would kill him."
Her daughter answered, "That's what environmentalists look like now."
His teen-age daughter answered it and just held it out to him.
"I doubt it not, my father," answered his daughter.
The daughter answered some of the official's questions directly and translated others for her parents, using Russian sign language.
She said the daughter would not answer questions about the business, so they handed her a subpoena for all of the company's records.
When her daughter did not answer the phone, Ms. Rousseau said, she walked to a nearby police station to report what had happened.