She is discussing what her response would be if her own daughter announced she was going to marry a white man.
The day before surgery, our daughter announced that she had a meeting with a guidance counselor and a county probation officer because of her truancies.
The daughter of one of the women announced: "My mommy is scared of the dark.
A mother hears her daughter announce her intended marriage six months before it has been thought of.
Their daughter, adorable little Alice, announces that she'd like to visit a refugee camp and minister to poor, helpless wounded people.
She had been promoted to cook and substitute restaurant manager, making $5.75 an hour, by the time the two daughters announced their wedding plans.
The son and daughter of two feuding families announce they are getting married to widespread uproar.
Your daughter has just announced that she's getting married.
"I will now read you the end," announced the daughter.