He and his wife, Madeline, were picking up their daughter Linda, who has just arrived from Arizona.
After a brief trip in 1958 to visit their daughter Linda at her university, the Oppens returned to New York in the early 1960s.
He was survived by his daughter Linda, and two stepchildren.
They received no injuries, but his daughter Linda said that Lyttle "took it personally".
His daughter Linda, a minister, is married to Ken Crabbs.
His daughter Linda became the woman's chess champion of Turkey in 1972.
The couple had two children, son Christopher and daughter Linda (married name: Linda Plentl).
Her daughter Linda was formerly a regional councillor on Vaughan City Council and former mayor.
He died of complications of a stroke, his daughter Linda said.
The following novel features Wallander's daughter Linda in the lead, while he is a secondary character: