In 2001, her sister, Gloria along with her husband Barry and their daughter Kelly came over for a visit from Australia.
Jack and Rachel fall in love while Alex falls in love Rachel's daughter Kelly.
Mader has a daughter Kelly and is helping her with her racing career.
Among other activities, he is a member of the Camden County College board of trustees, which his daughter Kelly attended.
Taking over after 2 weeks was a duet from Ozzy Osbourne and his daughter Kelly with "Changes".
Their oldest son, Bobby, died as a child, but they have two more children, daughter Kelly and son Davis.
Kruczek and his wife, Leigh, have two children; daughter Kelly and son Garrett.
His daughter Kelly helped, turning the work into a 4-H project.
He finds a slaughterhouse: Kev, his wife, and youngest daughter have been battered to death, but daughter Kelly has survived in a special hideout.
He joined the department 22 years ago, the same year they got married, the same year their daughter Kelly was born.