Upon the couple's absences, their daughter Joanna acted as regent as she was heiress.
As both of his sons had died, he left the throne to his daughter Joanna and her husband Wenceslaus I of Luxembourg.
After their return on 13 October 1495, Joanna arranged a marriage between her daughter Joanna and King Ferdinand II.
Her daughter Joanna died the following year from the same illness.
At the death of Henry IV in 1474 civil war broke between his daughter Joanna and his half-sister Isabella.
In 1831, his daughter Joanna passed the property to her eldest son, George John Grey (born 1810).
Most of his properties were sold to his family, to his sons Ebenezer and Fairfax and his daughter Joanna, and close friends.
After Reginald's death in 1322, his daughter Joanna inherited his lands.
On the coast of Dorset, both Ann and her daughter Joanna run a failing hotel where the winter season is about to set in.
'Politicians haven't done a lot for me,' she said as she shared a burger with her three-year-old daughter Joanna.