In the same premises his daughter Frances began a morning school offering young ladies a liberal education.
In December of that year, his daughter Frances married a former Union officer in the 15th Massachusetts.
By his first wife he had a son Charles and a daughter Frances who married Sir William Ducie.
His daughter Frances, born in 1892, was an expert automobile driver by age 14, when she won a Cadillac.
They had a daughter Frances, but no son.
His daughter Frances was the first wife of Charles Williams of Llangiby.
He had two children, a son Bartholomew and a daughter Frances, both of whom survived him.
Their daughter Frances was born in the house in 1842.
The house then passed to his widow, then through his daughter Frances to her husband William Bradborne.
Whigham would go on to become Macdonald's son-in-law, marrying his daughter Frances.