She and LaPaglia are the parents of daughter Bridget (born in January 2003).
He died in 2005 after a short illness, leaving behind his wife Margaret, son Jeremy and daughter Bridget.
Their daughter Bridget also became a television writer, creating Santa Barbara.
A widow leads them into her house where Sophia and Laura meet her daughter Bridget.
Before Lorraine, Michael had previously slept with Rose's daughter Bridget.
Their daughter Bridget was born in France in November 1917.
She became a grandmother on September 3rd, 2010 when her daughter Bridget gave birth to a son, Logan Forrester Knight.
Her paternity was hidden because Deacon was married to Brooke's daughter Bridget at the time.
His daughter Bridget is a student at Arizona State University.
Their daughter Bridget was born in January 2003.