His first commercial endeavor was a database tools and technology company called Reliant Data Systems, which was sold in 1999 to Compuware Corporation.
In late 1994, he asked for help in-displaying awards information, and von Ruff offered his database tools.
Comparison of database tools - (provides tables for comparing general and technical information for a number of available database administrator tools.)
Native database tools that are used to run scripts must have a way of breaking a script into statements.
MySQL offers a wide range of database tools, training, support, and consulting services.
Netfrastructure is both a web application development and database tool for Java and the name of the company which produces it.
Each database management system (DBMS) and database tools have their own language for the metadata components within.
Datanamic produces and sells various database tools:
In the late 1980s early 1990s, dBase for DOS was one of the more popular database tools on the market.
This guide describes the various types of database tools and systems available and provides guidance on how to choose the best solution for your business needs.