A primary key is a key which the database designer has designated for this purpose.
The manager can also assign roles if the database designer determines this level of access refinement is needed by the application.
The process of doing database design generally consists of a number of steps which will be carried out by the database designer.
He is a Web site and database designer in Oxford.
The relational model of data permits the database designer to create a consistent, logical representation of information.
The flexibility of relational databases allows programmers to write queries that were not anticipated by the database designers.
The first task of a database designer is to produce a conceptual data model that reflects the structure of the information to be held in the database.
It provides tools for database designers, developers and administrators.
"I'm trying to look for the things they're trying to hide," said Ms. Crystal, 52, a database designer from Boston.
Frank Blau, a database designer from Issaquah, Wash., has never met a storm he didn't like, but hurricanes are definitely his favorite.