And the New York Times goes with a new national database designed to catch deadbeat parents.
Operational data store (ODS) - database designed to integrate data from multiple sources for additional operations on the data.
For example, consider a database designed to keep track of hospital records.
Datomic is a distributed database designed to enable scalable, flexible and intelligent applications, running on new cloud architectures.
It envisioned a system of distributed databases designed to make the existing information more accessible.
With a database designed to store info rather than dispense advice, this is one for wine-loving trainspotters.
Inslaw's original software product, Promis, was a database designed to handle papers and documents generated by law enforcement agencies and courts.
OODBMSs are databases designed specifically for working with object-oriented values.
ObjectStore is a commercial object database, which is a specialized type of database designed to handle data created by applications that use object-oriented programming techniques.
RainStor is a software company that provides a database designed to manage and analyze big data for large enterprises.