Borland's Turbo Pascal included a "database" Toolbox, it was the beginning of the Borland compiler add-ons that facilitated database connectivity.
It also offers some database connectivity, allowing access to MySQL database via queries, Xbase and DBF file access.
NET Framework's Base Class Library provides user interface, data access, database connectivity, cryptography, web application development, numeric algorithms, and network communications.
Sequerome has a three-tiered architecture that uses Java servlet and Server Page technologies with Java database connectivity (JDBC), making it both server and platform-independent.
Its hallmark features were its object-orientation, database connectivity, and prototyping tools.
Perez expects the resulting software to resemble Uniface Corp's 4GL development environment - but with 'real' GUI functionality and more database connectivity and 4GL options.
It provides optimized data structures for tables, graphs, and trees, a host of layout and visual encoding techniques, and support for animation, dynamic queries, integrated search, and database connectivity.
In this case django-jython must be installed in order to provide JDBC drivers for database connectivity, which also provides functionality to compile Django in to a .
It is primarily a BibTeX front-end for use with LaTeX, but also offers external database connectivity for importing, a variety of means for exporting, and capacity for linking to local documents.
With release 11, relying on improved database connectivity and the ability to integrate XML-files into any objects on pages, scalability is not seen as an issue any more by the vendor.