She became a data-entry clerk for a shoe wholesaler, earning $6.50 an hour.
They have lost their jobs as the need for a corporate support staff diminishes and these new technologies makes jobs like data-entry clerks expendable.
Just like that, the interns became data-entry clerks.
She's a data-entry clerk at a legal firm.
But after five years, I am still making the minimum pay for my position as a data-entry clerk, though my workload has increased significantly.
This process can sometimes be automated to some extent, but it often requires manual labour performed by data-entry clerks.
The civil service union includes mainly nonprofessional workers, like data-entry clerks and health care aides, who earn an average salary of $27,600 a year.
Many are restaurant workers, janitors, data-entry clerks and others earning low wages who cannot afford taxis or cars of their own, she said.
He works as a data-entry clerk for a messenger service.
The younger two started spending days at the center while Mr. C. worked nearby as a data-entry clerk.