I supposed identifying them all didn't really matter, since my goal was to get enough to use them for specific data requests.
The other little feature we're working on is a way for the Tribunes to track data requests without knowing the new code.
I'm afraid Gryphon has other things on her mind than our data requests just now.
Would you like me to help you prepare a list of data requests for your new memories?
Please share your questions, concerns, or data requests.
Hell, I probably know the people who originate a lot of the data requests that generate your op-orders.
We understand that complying with data requests can be expensive and burdensome.
The burdens of compliance with data requests can often be significantly reduced if the parties engage staff at the earliest opportunity.
I leaned back and waited, as I monitored her data requests.
This 'on-the-fly' processing means that large data requests can take a day or more to be processed and returned.