He led users to data describing local climate and soil conditions.
An instruction describing the difference requires fewer bits than data describing the actual color.
However, limited published data describing long-term sexual function in men postorchiectomy are encouraging.
Sense is used to read data describing the status of the device.
There are few longitudinal studies which have published data describing changes in the ability to undertake specific adl activities over time.
Little was known of native regional societies, beyond the historical data describing an almost uninhabited area two centuries before the conquest.
Included are data from 285 articles and books, describing treatment in more than 100,000 patients in the past 25 years.
Following that is data describing each triangle in turn.
For example, suppose that we are building a decision tree for some data describing the customers of a business.
Specific data describing the impact of patient characteristics and process performance on mortality rates have recently been published [ 8].