A darkness lies behind us, and out of it few tales have come.
Listen, Blaine: In a tunnel of darkness lies a beast of iron.
Beneath them darkness lies like a gag across the face above the jaw.
What darkness lies in his ambition to become a politician, from a previously honourable commission?
Beyond the Rim lies uncharted darkness, where no stars shine and few ships go.
We look for no Arda Remade: darkness lies before us, into which we stare in vain.
It felt like the darkness was lying on the surface of my eyes, a thick, black mask that no light could penetrate.
There something terrible has happened to them of which they will not speak: 'A darkness lies behind us.and we have turned our backs on it'(p. 141).
Outside, as always, lies the great darkness, the cold, death's solitude.
A darkness lies behind us,' Baor said; 'and we have turned our backs upon it, and we do not desire to return thither even in thought.