Once we stopped, slipping off into the darkened woods would be child's play, but what good would it do?
Theido saw his friend disappear into the darkened wood, he thought he saw his right hand raised in salute.
Now I sit writing at a table of darkened wood, its surface polished and smooth.
Five minutes through the darkened woods brought him to a clearing.
They were charging off through the darkened woods together, with Harry wondering why his chief was running totally untrue to form.
Soon it would be time for the ceremony to begin: for him to walk into the darkened woods and connect his mind to that of the Whale.
Her eyes looked past him, into the darkened wood.
Below him the lights of the village fell away toward darkened woods, above him shone stars and the thin yoimg Moon, around him danced fireflies.
They peered into the darkened woods and offered a deep bow.
It was just the four of us in the darkened woods.