The dark-eyed girl was singing a sad song about a boy leaving his love.
Beside her stood a small, red-haired girl, white-faced and dark-eyed.
She was a dark-eyed, witty, and able girl named Martina, who had been my friend for a long while.
She would always be young, a lovely dark-eyed girl who had never had the chance to grow old, as he was old now.
The dark-eyed little girl hugged me hard around the waist, then dropped to the sand to embrace Martha.
The dark-eyed girl gave a little formal bow.
"Quite well," said the slender, dark-eyed girl who had just taken the seat opposite the Colonel.
He thought of the dark-haired, dark-eyed girl he'd seen from the barker's platform a short while ago.
The dark-eyed girl climbed back on her table and started sing-ing again, in an unsteady voice.
There are two of them, dark-eyed girls with wan smiles.